Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways . Originality can be stimulated from an old idea or can come from one’s basic instincts. It doesn’t mean putting old ideas together. Presenting old thoughts and ideas together in a new way can renovate those thoughts only. But, the originality comes out with new thoughts and ideas from individuals. All the great inventions in the world; for example, in the fields of astronomy, medical science, physical science, arts are the achievements of original thoughts. The original inventions, thoughts, and ideas do not always include past histories. In most of the times, it stands on its own original base. In astronomy new inventions have taken place several times over the past years. Great astronomers have tried to motivate themselves with their own new ideas. Consequently, they came up with their own discoveries. For example, in the time of Galileo, peopl...