Human-information Interaction

Understanding how people interact with information is a fundamental problem. In the past, information sharing among people was not that expressive. The amounts of information exchanged among people were very poor. As time went by improvement in human information interaction has developed and become popular among people around the world. Information interaction with people includes sharing personal and global knowledge using new technologies, finding information on websites, and the effects of consuming and processing information that is found.

People are getting more and more education through collaborative learning systems. Collaborative learning can be accomplished through activity awareness. This is an effective way to pursue successful collaboration among peers and they can know each others’ activities through continuous observation within their workspace. However, “collaborative distance-learning systems associated with email notification do not fully engage the learners, since the learners cannot discover activities of peers until they sit in front of computers and connect to the workspace” (Liu. et al, 2008). And research has proved that real time notification using SMS on mobile phones is more effective for supporting activity awareness and web based collaborative learning (Liu. et al, 2008). In addition, Liu’s (2008) study also shows that small group work performance is also benefited by the real time notification through mobile phones as it informed students of the progress of group work and further strengthened students commitment to team work.

The growth of business-to-consumers (B2C) over the Internet has outpaced that of traditional retailing (Levy and Weitz, 2001). In B2C the qualities of websites depend on various aspects. Vassilopoulos et al (2001) said that “Creating quality websites with attributes that attract customers both first-time purchase and repeat visits from customers are important objectives for e-commerce websites”. To achieve this objective, information quality, service quality, and system quality must be monitored thoroughly by the owner and manager of the website (Kuan et. al, 2008). Kuan’s (2008) study demonstrates “the positive impact of system quality on initial purchase intention is higher than that of all the other website quality dimensions in the initial purchase intention model, and this impact is significantly stronger on initial purchase intention compared to continued purchase intention”. If the system at the website makes it difficult for visitors to achieve their purpose, the visitors are more likely to form negative impressions of the online company. System quality actually can make positive impact and retain customers in the future.

Web portals play a vital role in delivering information to people. People are experiencing live video, audio streaming and news through web portals. In order to retain customers, online portals must be well formed to provide enough information to visitors in a user friendly way. Shih (2008) said that “users are more likely to use an online portal if the interaction with the portal is compatible with their learning or entertainment needs, such as searching for information related to their studies, or communicating with friends via messaging”. For example, Taiwanese are using more Chinese portals, since those portals are more collaborative and attractive (Shih, 2008). Also, research has shown that the ways men and women consume information in the websites varies according to their thoughts.

The availability of information in a huge amount has some negative impacts on society also. Sometimes it is difficult to process so much information. However, comparing the negative impacts with the positive impacts of information usage on society, the positive impacts on people are more significant. For improving communication and sharing of knowledge to people, information should be delivered in a more efficient way as much as possible.


Kuan, Huei-Huang, Bock, Gee-Woo, & Vathanophas, Vichia(2008). Compairing the effects of

website quality on customer initial purchase and continued purchase at e-commerce websites. Behaviour & Information Technology, 27(1), 3-16.

Liu, C.-C, Tao, S.-Y, & Nee, J.-N(2008). Bridging the gap between students and computers

supporting activity awareness for network collaborative learning with GSM network. Behaviour & Information Technology, 27(2), 127-137.

Shih, Hung-Pin (2008). Continued use of a Chinese online portal: an empirical study. Behaviour

& Information Technology, 27(3), 201-209.


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