
Showing posts from 2010

Windows Phone 7 Developer Launch and WIN a free phone.

Check out the Windows Phone 7 Developer Launch website to learn more about getting a Windows Phone 7 for free. Click the image below to see details:

Sending SMS using HQSMS API in

To use HQSMS API you need to 1st Register at HQSMS. They will provide you some credit for testing your app. But to send more sms you have to buy credit from them. Below is the code for sending SMS to a user in here I'm using System.Net library from and then obviously HQSMS APIs. protected void sendButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(" Work!&from=HQRoute"));             HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();             System.IO.StreamReader strreader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());             string deliver = strreader.ReadToEnd(); ...

Artwork using GIMP 2.6

                                                                                             Artwork using GIMP 2.6 Recently I have found out that GIMP  can be very powerful tool as a image editor if you can config it correctly. My friend Dennis helped to set it up for me. And he also taught me how to do the artworks. In GIMP you can add patterns, tools, textures, Photoshop brushes, plugins, scripts, symbols and can do some really exclusive artworks as I did one above. Give it a try if you want to enjoy your own private time :)

Yet Another new site for Undergrad Catalog, 2010 - UT Arlington

Undergraduate Catalog 2010-2011 This website is developed with 3.5, SQL Server 2008, XML, some simple JQuery animations and some AJAX functionalities. All the contents are dynamically loaded in each page either from database tables or from XML file.

Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves

Finished playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune , and now playing Uncharted 2: Among Thieves . Just watch the official trailer of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and I'm more than 100% sure that you are going to be intrigued by this game too :P

Recipe for Biriyani

  - This Recipe is taken from Siddiqua Kabir's Recipe Book (English version)

Quazi Mainul Hasan - Portfolio

Launching Quazi Mainul Hasan :)

html to Word Document Converter using Open XML SDK

By using Open XML SDK 2.0 you can generate the word document without using Interop dlls and without the requirement to install Office in your web server. I have done it successfully with the help of my colleagure Yesha Gupta and below is the code to generate the word document from the html code. GenerateWordDocument() public void generateWordDocument() { WindowsIdentity currentUserIdentity = (WindowsIdentity)User.Identity; WindowsImpersonationContext impersonationContext = currentUserIdentity.Impersonate(); try { string fileName = currentUserIdentity.Name.Replace( "\\", " _ ") + " _Report.docx "; string filePath = " ~/assets/Templates/ " + fileName; File.Copy(Server.MapPath(" ~/assets/Templates/WordDocTemplate.docx "), Server.MapPath(filePath)); DataView view = frontMatterSqlDataSource.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty) as DataView; string pageTitle = " "; using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = Wordprocessing...

YAGO - Yet Another Great Ontology

For more information on yago , please visit:

Computing Semantic Relatedness using Wikipedia based Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA)

Different Types of Soccer Stretching Exercise
